Bethanie Dalley
Based in Birmingham
Specialist Speech and Language Therapist
Communication is the essence of life. It allows us to express our needs, wants and feelings whilst providing us with the skills required to connect with others through shared experiences.
Working as a Speech and Language Therapist allows me to provide the support required to develop every child's speech, language and communication needs and simultaneously support families throughout the entire process.
I always take a holistic approach when working with children and their families, ensuring all aspects of a child's life is implemented into their therapy journey. I love working with families, teaching staff and professionals involved in a child's care as everyone plays an integral part in the journey.
My favourite word is “bamboozled” as it perfectly describes my lovely Labrador’s facial expression daily. It’s also fun to say!
Early years
Mainstream primary school age
Vocabulary development
Speech sound delays and disorders
Hanen - It Takes Two to Talk
Palin PCI Stammering in the early years
Word Aware
Language for Thinking
DIR 101: An Introduction to DIR and DIRFloortime
“Nothing is impossible, the word itself says I’m possible.”